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    发表日期:2006年7月11日 编辑:cnpsy 有3101位读者读过此文 【字体:
Developmental Origins of Scientific Thinking

Identifying the developmental origins of scientific thinking, as well as its endpoint, provides an essential framework for understanding its development. The origins of scientific thinking are claimed here to lie in attainments in epistemological under- standing, beginning with the understanding achieved at about 4 years of age that as- sertions  generated  by  human  minds  are  distinguishable  from  an  external  reality against which they can be compared. Despite this achievement, children between 4 and 6 years of age exhibit an epistemological category mistake regarding the source of knowledge. They confuse a theory making it plausible that an event occurred and evi- dence indicating that the event did occur, as the source of their knowing that the event occurred. Appreciation of this distinction develops rapidly during this age range and reflects increasing mastery of an epistemological understanding we argue to be of foundational status for the development of scientific thinking, defined here as the con- sciously controlled coordination of theory and evidence.




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