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  第十三章第五节 理性—情绪疗法评论           ★★★
第十三章第五节 理性—情绪疗法评论
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作者:佚名 文章来源:互联网 点击数: 更新时间:2008-3-25 21:08:31

5Ellis,A.Reason and Emotion in Psychotherapy,Secaucus,N.J.The Citadel Press,1962

6Ellis,A.and Bernard .M.E.What is Rational
Emotive Therapy (RET)?in A.Ellis and M.E.Bernard(eds),Clinical Application of RationalEmotive Therapy,New York,Plenum Press,1985

7Ellis,A.,Overview of the Clinical Theory of RationalEmotive Therapy,in R.Grieger and J.Boyd(eds)RationalEmotive
Therapy,New York,Nostrand Reinhold Company,1980

Ellis,A.,Reason and Emotion in Psychotherapy ,Secaucus,N.J,The Citadel Press,1962


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