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研究员 1956年6月出生。1987年至1993年获日本政府文部省奖学金,留学东京大学理学部人类学系,获人类学硕士、博士学位。1993年起任中国科学院遗传研究所副研究员;1994年至1995年作为日本学术振兴会博士后,京都国际日本文化研究中心任外国人特别研究员。









1. Association between a T/C polymorphism in intron 2 of cholesterol 24S-hydroxylase gene and Alzheimer's disease in Chinese. B. Wang, C. Zhang, W. Zheng, Z. Lu, C. Zheng, Z. Yang, L. Wang and F. Jin. Neuroscience Letter 2004; 369(2):104-107.

2. Genetic association of BACE 1 gene polymorphism C786G with late-onset Alzheimer’s disease in Chinese. R. Kan, B. Wang, C. Zhang, F. Jin, W. Zheng, Z. Lu, C. Zheng, Z. Yang, L. Wang. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience 2004

3. Association of the HTR6 polymorphism C267T with late-onset Alzheimer’s disease in Chinese. R. Kan, B. Wang, C. Zhang, Z. Yang, W. Zheng, Z. Lu, C. Zheng, F. Jin and L. Wang. Neuroscience Letter 2004;372(1-2): 27-29.

4. Expression analysis of an FGFR2 IIIc 5' splice site mutation (1084+3A?G). Kan R, Twigg SR, Berg J, Wang L, Jin F, Wilkie AO. Journal Medical Genetics 2004 Aug;41(8):e108.

5. Evolution of the O alleles of the human ABO blood group gene. F. Roubinet, S. Despiau, F. Calafell, F. Jin, J. Bertanpetit, N. Saitou, A. Blancher. Transfusion. 2004;44(5):707-15.

6. Natural selection and population history in the human angiotensinogen gene (AGT): 736 complete AGT sequences in chromosomes from around the world. Nakajima T, Wooding S, Sakagami T, Emi M, Tokunaga K, Tamiya G, Ishigami T, Umemura S, Munkhbat B, Jin F, G Jia, Hayasaka I, Ishida T, Saitou N, Pavelka K, Lalouel JM, Jorde LB, Inoue I. American Journal of Human Genetics. 2004;74(5):898-916.

7. Characteristic β-Globin Gene Cluster Haplotypes of Evenkis and Orunchuns in North China. K. Shimizu, A. Marubayashi, K. Tokimasa, S. Harihara, K. Omoto, T. Imanishi, L. Hao and F. Jin. Human Biology 2004 76(5), 765-778.

8. 内皮型一氧化氮合酶3 基因多态性与晚发性阿尔茨海默病的关联. 杨泽,李曙,金锋,吕泽平,郑陈光,唐雷, 郑卫东,史晓红,王沥,梁积英,胡才友. 中华老年医学杂志 2004,23(7)468-471.

9. 心血管危险因子与广西汉族迟发性阿尔茨海默病之间的相关性研究. 郑卫东,郑怀竞,杨泽,,郑陈光,吕泽平,金锋,王沥,史晓红,唐雷,胡才有中国神经免疫学和神经病学杂志2004. 11(2)68-71

10. 体能相关基因研究. 张涛,张传芳,金锋,王沥. 遗传 2004,26(2):219-226.

11. 体能与遗传. 张传芳,王沥,张涛,金锋. 遗传学报 2004,31(3):317-324.

12. Neither the Tumor Necrosis Factor a-308 A/G Polymorphism nor the a2-Macroglobulin Polymorphism was Associated with Late-onset Alzheimer’s Disease in Chinese. Zhang P., Yang Z., Wan C., Zheng W., Zhang C., Zheng C., Jin F., and Wang L. Acta Genetica Sinica 2004, 31(1):1-6.

13. Y-chromosomal DNA haplogroups and their implications for the dual origins of the Koreans. Jin HJ, Kwak KD, Hammer MF, Nakahori Y, Shinka T, Lee JW, Jin F, Jia X, Tyler-Smith C, Kim W. Human Genetics. 2003 Dec;114(1):27-35.

14. Association study between late-onset Alzheimer's disease and the transferrin gene polymorphisms in Chinese. Zhang P., Yang Z., Zhang C., Lu Z., Shi X., Zheng W., Wan C., Zhang D., Zheng C., Li S., Jin F. and Wang L.Neurosci Letter. 2003, 349(3):209-11.

15. 晚发性Alzheimer病的遗传病因学研究. 李曙, 杨泽, 金锋. 国外医学遗传学分册 2003,26(4):242-245.

16. 老年痴呆关联基因的研究进展. 张鹏,王沥,杨泽,金锋. 遗传 2003, 25(4):445-449.

17. 解偶联蛋白与肥胖及2型糖尿病发病的关系. 万春玲, 张铁梅, 王沥, 杨泽,金锋. 遗传 2003, 25(2):211-220.

18. Extreme mtDNA Homogeneity in Continental Asian Populations. H. Oota, T. Kitano, F. Jin, I. Yuasa, L. Wang, S. Ueda, N. Saitou, and M. Stoneking. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 2002, 118:146-153.

19. 中国人ABO血型分泌型岩藻糖转移酶基因多态性研究. 张莹,贾旭明,张端阳,王沥, 金锋. 遗传学报 2002;29(11):949-952.

20. 山东荣成人群线粒体DNA 多态性研究. 王金凤, 王沥, 张端阳, 尹长城, 金锋. 遗传学报2001, 28(12):1098-1106.

21. 从分子生物学看现代人类起源. 金锋,万春玲.中国科学院院刊 2001,16(4):250-254.

22. Rh 系统单倍型在中国人群中的分布. 贾旭明,王沥,郝露萍,金锋. 遗传学报 2001, 28(5):385-397.

23. Genetic Structure of a 2,500-Year-Old Human Populations in China and Its Spatiotemporal Changes. L. Wang, H. Oota, N. Saitou, F. Jin, T. Matsushita and S. Ueda. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 2000;17(19)1396-1400.




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