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    发表日期:2006年7月11日 编辑:cnpsy 有11249位读者读过此文 【字体:
Infant Understanding of the Referential Nature of Looking

To determine whether infants follow the gaze of adults because they understand the referential nature of looking or because they use the adult turn as a predictive cue for the   location   of   interesting   events,   the   gaze-following   behavior   of   14-   and

18-month-olds was examined in the joint visual attention paradigm under varying vi- sual obstruction conditions: (a) when the experimenter’s line of sight was obstructed by opaque screens (screen condition), (b) when the experimenter’s view was not ob- structed (no-screen condition), and (c) when the opaque screens contained a large transparent window (window condition). It was assumed that infants who simply use adult turns as predictive cues would turn equally in all 3 conditions but infants who comprehend the referential nature of looking would turn maximally when the experi- menter’s vision was not blocked and minimally when her vision was blocked. Eigh- teen-month-olds  responded  in  accord  with  the  referential  position  (turning  much more in the no-screen and window conditions than in the screen condition). However,

14-month-olds yielded a mixed response pattern (turning less in the screen than the no-screen condition but turning still less in the window condition). The results sug- gest that, unlike 18-month-olds, 14-month-olds do not understand the intentional na- ture of looking and are unclear about the requirements for successful looking.




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