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    发表日期:2006年7月11日 编辑:cnpsy 有2633位读者读过此文 【字体:
Advancing Downward to the Basic Level

In 3 experiments, we studied whether infants and young children understand various basic-level conceptual distinctions in the domains of household artifacts, animals, and vehicles. Using small replicas, we modeled events such as washing dishes in a sink for children 14, 19, and 24 months old, and then gave them an exemplar from the same ba- sic-level concept (another sink) and an exemplar of another concept from the same do- main   (bathtub).   We   measured   which   object   they   used   to   imitate   the   event. Fourteen-month-olds did not differentiate among basic-level categories in any of these domains, for example, washing dishes in both a tub and a sink, and putting both a rabbit and a bird in a nest. By 19 months, inappropriate behavior was greatly reduced for household artifacts and for vehicles, but not for animals. By 24 months, performance was  mainly  appropriate  for  all  3  domains.  It  was  also  shown  that  although

14-month-olds are not making many conceptual distinctions at the basic level, they are nevertheless beginning to make some broader conceptual distinctions among artifacts.




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