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Stata, an integrated statistical package for Windows, Macintosh, and Unix, is designed for research professionals and is distributed in 124 countries. Why you should use Stata
01.Stata provides a broad range of statistics
02.Stata is intended for researchers of all disciplines.
03.Stata has complete data-management capabilities. Stata is not just a statistics package -- it is a full data-management system with statistical capabilities.
04.Stata is easy to use.
05.Stata is fast.
06.Stata is accurate.
07.Stata is available for Windows, Macintosh, and Unix (including Linux) computers. Stata datasets, programs, etc., can be shared across platforms without translation.
08.Stata is so programmable that you can add new commands to it.
09.Stata's staff and users add new features to Stata every day.
10.There are many new features and informative articles published in the Stata Journal.
11.There are approximately 700 postings and 55 programs exchanged each month over the Stata listserver.
12.Stata has Internet capabilities.
13.New features can be installed over the Internet with a single click.
14.Official updates can be installed over the Internet with a single click.
15.Stata NetCourses provide training, from introductory to advanced, conveniently and at a reasonable cost, delivered right to your computer via the Internet.
16.Analyses can be documented and reproduced.
17.Stata provides commands to analyze panel data (cross-sectional time-series, longitudinal, repeated-measures, and correlated data).
18.Stata provides commands to analyze cross-sectional data.
19.Stata provides commands to analyze time-series data.
20.Stata provides commands to analyze survival-time data (duration, time-to-failure data).
21.Stata provides commands to analyze cohort study, case-control, and matched case-control data.
22.Stata provides commands to analyze count and binary data.
23.Stata provides commands to analyze complex survey data.
24.Stata provides byte, integer, long, float, double, and string variables.
25.Stata understands dates.
26.Stata has matrix operators.
27.Stata comes with complete documentation, including a 4-volume reference manual of over 2,000 pages that includes calculation formulas and references to the literature.
28.Stata's manuals provide lots of explanation and examples.
29.You will have an excuse to attend the annual user-group meetings in London, Spain, or The Netherlands.
30. There are books published about Stata.
31. Here are statistical books that use Stata in their examples.
32. Over half of our web site is devoted to supporting users of Stata.
33. The answers to Frequently Asked Questions can be found on our web site.
34. A free addition (StataQuest) can be downloaded from our web site to make Stata easier to use for teaching.
35. Outstanding technical support.
36. Stata is reasonably priced.
37. Stata comes with a 30-day, satisfaction or your money-back guarantee.
2007/5/10 11:55:59

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