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--  作者:cnpsy
--  发布时间:2006/8/11 15:44:33

--  SPSS学习专题


         SPSS统计分析过程包括描述性统计、均值比较、一般线性模型、相关分析、回归分析、对数线性模型、聚类分析、数据简化、生存分析、时间序列分析、多重响应等几大类,每类中又分好几个统计过程,比如回归分析中又分线性回归分析、曲线估计、Logistic回归、Probit回归、加权估计、两阶段最小二乘法、非线性回归等多个统计过程,而且每个过程中又允许用户选择不同的方法及参数。SPSS也有专门的绘图系统,可以根据数据绘制各种图形。  SPSS for Windows的分析结果清晰、直观、易学易用,而且可以直接读取EXCEL及DBF数据文件,现已推广到多种各种操作系统的计算机上,它和SAS、BMDP并称为国际上最有影响的三大统计软件。

      SPSS作为三大综合性统计软件之一,其统计分析功能与另外两个软件即SAS和BMDP相比仍有一定欠缺。  虽然如此,SPSS for Windows由于其操作简单,已经在我国的社会科学、自然科学的各个领域发挥了巨大作用。该软件还可以应用于经济学、生物学、心理学、医疗卫生、体育、农业、林业、商业、金融等各个领域。


[此贴子已经被作者于2007-2-10 11:22:57编辑过]

--  作者:cnpsy
--  发布时间:2006/8/11 15:47:49




--  作者:cnpsy
--  发布时间:2006/8/11 15:50:20





























--  作者:qian1288888
--  发布时间:2006/9/14 22:26:50



Factor Retention Rules
When variables are factored (for a discussion of factoring people, see Campbell,1996; Thompson, 2000b), the total number of possible factors equals the number of variables factore(assuming all of the variance in the original variables is not reproduced). However, because many of these factors may not contribute substantially to the overall solution or be interpretable,some factors arenot useful to retain in the analysis and generally represent noise or error.Given that the goal of EFA is toretain the fewest possible factors while explaining the most variance of the observed variables,it is critical that there searcher extract the correct number of factors because  this decision will affect results directly.
Many rules can be used to determine the number of factors to reta(cf.Zwick & Velicer, 1986), including the eigenvalue > 1 rule (EV > 1; Kaiser, 1960), scree test (Cattell, 1966), minimum average partial correlation (Velicer, 1976), Bartlett’s chi-square test (Bartlett, 1950, 1951), and parallel analysis (Horn, 1965; Turner, 1998).Thompson and Daniel (1996) and Zwick and Velicer (1986) elaborated these approaches. The most frequently used method is the EV > 1 rule. As Thompson and
Daniel noted“This extraction rule is the defaul top tionin most statistics packages and therefore may be the most widely used decision rule, also by default” (p. 200).
Importantly,these rules donot necessarily lead to the same decision regarding the number of factors to retain. For example, in a Monte Carlo evaluation, Zwick and Velicer (1986) found that the EV > 1 rule almost always severely overestimated the number of factors to retain. Their findings were consistent with those of Cattell and Jaspers(1967),Linn(1968),Yeomans and Golder(1982),and Zwickand Velicer (1982), but they were contrary to those of Humphreys(1964) and Mote(1970), who noted that the EV > 1 rule may underestimate the number of factors.
Bartlett’s chi-square test was very inconsistent. Because EFA studies typically involve large samples, this statistical significance test may have little utility as it is heavily influenced by sample size.
Despite its subjective nature in interpretation, the scree test was much more accurate but also tended to over extract factors. Importantly, parallel analysis was the most accurate procedure,followed closely by the minimum average partial method. Unfortunately,these methods are seldom employed in published research.Asanadditional option,Thompson(1988)suggested using a boot strap method to determine the number of factors and provided a program to automate the process.
Because the factor retention decision directly affects the EFA results obtained,researchers are advised to use both multiple criteria and reasoned reflection. Researchers should also explicitly inform readers about the strategies used in making factor retention decisions.

--  作者:emsuc
--  发布时间:2006/12/29 19:47:38

When variables are factored (for a discussion of factoring people, see Campbell,1996; Thompson, 2000b), the total number of possible factors equals the number of variables factore(assuming all of the variance in the original variables is not reproduced). However, because many of these factors may not contribute substantially to the overall solution or be interpretable,some factors arenot useful to retain in the analysis and generally represent noise or error.Given that the goal of EFA is toretain the fewest possible factors while explaining the most variance of the observed variables,it is critical that there searcher extract the correct number of factors because  this decision will affect results directly.
Many rules can be used to determine the number of factors to reta(cf.Zwick & Velicer, 1986), including the eigenvalue > 1 rule (EV > 1; Kaiser, 1960), scree test (Cattell, 1966), minimum average partial correlation (Velicer, 1976), Bartlett’s chi-square test (Bartlett, 1950, 1951), and parallel analysis (Horn, 1965; Turner, 1998).Thompson and Daniel (1996) and Zwick and Velicer (1986) elaborated these approaches. The most frequently used method is the EV > 1 rule. As Thompson and
Daniel noted“This extraction rule is the defaul top tionin most statistics packages and therefore may be the most widely used decision rule, also by default” (p. 200).
Importantly,these rules donot necessarily lead to the same decision regarding the number of factors to retain. For example, in a Monte Carlo evaluation, Zwick and Velicer (1986) found that the EV > 1 rule almost always severely overestimated the number of factors to retain. Their findings were consistent with those of Cattell and Jaspers(1967),Linn(1968),Yeomans and Golder(1982),and Zwickand Velicer (1982), but they were contrary to those of Humphreys(1964) and Mote(1970), who noted that the EV > 1 rule may underestimate the number of factors.
Bartlett’s chi-square test was very inconsistent. Because EFA studies typically involve large samples, this statistical significance test may have little utility as it is heavily influenced by sample size.
Despite its subjective nature in interpretation, the scree test was much more accurate but also tended to over extract factors. Importantly, parallel analysis was the most accurate procedure,followed closely by the minimum average partial method. Unfortunately,these methods are seldom employed in published research.Asanadditional option,Thompson(1988)suggested using a boot strap method to determine the number of factors and provided a program to automate the process.
Because the factor retention decision directly affects the EFA results obtained,researchers are advised to use both multiple criteria and reasoned reflection. Researchers should also explicitly inform readers about the strategies used in making factor retention decisions.
--  作者:luran
--  发布时间:2007/3/24 20:43:03



--  作者:liu20070110
--  发布时间:2007/4/23 14:26:24

--  作者:meikim
--  发布时间:2007/6/11 22:10:11

--  作者:lovelove
--  发布时间:2008/5/9 22:33:17

--  作者:好梦难缘
--  发布时间:2008/5/18 11:00:39

